Monday, February 25, 2008

New Week, New 'tude!!

Gotta confess that the pangs of depression have beating on my spirit recently. Is it self indulged with a sprinkle of extra carb loading?? tinge of too much TV watching?? Sure, I definitely have not helped my own situation by marinating in the gloom. But for pity has been butt cold for days on end. There has literally not been a ray of sunshine for weeks and the recycled air of indoors is choking the life out of me. UGH. So today, i commit to a new attitude. I will look at the mud laden yard speckled with nasty snow remnants and actually try to see the grass peeking somewhere under it. I will pretend that 38 degree weather is really very near to 50 degrees which is almost considered warm enough to be spring like!! Yes, I will clean my dirty crusty car with confidence and optimism that this may be one of only a couple of more times before winter officially ends. I will try, honestly attempt, to stay positive about this tundra that I have been living in. I want to be that glass-half -full girl. I want to see life through a lens of hope. It is a new week....why not?

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