So much is happening so little time to post it!!
My oldest has been to Boy Scout Camp for 10 days and has returned to the flock finally with a special new Indian name chosen by him for a honorary tribe of the Mic-O-Say dudes. Anyhow, funny part of the story is my husband was trying to find the perfect name for him. This is some weird scout deal where you are to go out into the woods and ponder life and your purpose or something and voila the magical scout name comes to you.
Well, that is sort of hocus pocus because most of the boys know they are going to be tapped into the tribe and they come up with their name before joining. So, my scout wanna-be husband thought it would be great to advise our first born on the clever names to mock the privilege and honor of the Mic-O-Say braves by giving him a name like Mighty Northern Wind, Bent Arrow of the Early Morning, Mighty Wood or Tedious Beaver. (Thank goodness my son doesn't get the Beaver implication yet...)
Have I mentioned that my husband has the humor of a seventh grader? This name thing completely brought it out in him and he was determined to make our scout agree with his "hilarious" name choices.
I didn't think the mockery would really go over as well with the "serious" scouting community. For you unfamiliar with the world of scouting...let me tell you they are an interesting breed. Grown men still don the uniform proudly for days at a time at Camp Bartle. (See picture above!)They even participate in the coveted secret society of Order of the Arrow and the Tribe of Mic-O-say. These men camp days at a time to increase their position in the fraternities. They even go as far as dressing in loin cloths, dancing to drum music and singing weird Indian songs. This is not a crew to mock. They take their scouting very, very seriously.
Thankfully, our oldest dumped dad's suggestion and went with his family nickname, Weasel. I thought it was apropos since we have called all of children our weasels since they were born. I did think he could've spiced it up by calling himself the Spitting, Fighting Weasel or Angry, Nasty Weasel. I guess it is still better then Crazy Ass Ferret or Little Vermin filled with Rabies!
Have I mentioned that my husband has the humor of a seventh grader? This name thing completely brought it out in him and he was determined to make our scout agree with his "hilarious" name choices.
I didn't think the mockery would really go over as well with the "serious" scouting community. For you unfamiliar with the world of scouting...let me tell you they are an interesting breed. Grown men still don the uniform proudly for days at a time at Camp Bartle. (See picture above!)They even participate in the coveted secret society of Order of the Arrow and the Tribe of Mic-O-say. These men camp days at a time to increase their position in the fraternities. They even go as far as dressing in loin cloths, dancing to drum music and singing weird Indian songs. This is not a crew to mock. They take their scouting very, very seriously.
Thankfully, our oldest dumped dad's suggestion and went with his family nickname, Weasel. I thought it was apropos since we have called all of children our weasels since they were born. I did think he could've spiced it up by calling himself the Spitting, Fighting Weasel or Angry, Nasty Weasel. I guess it is still better then Crazy Ass Ferret or Little Vermin filled with Rabies!
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