Sunday, March 9, 2008

Signs of the time

This is what my mom told me happens to every first grader. She should know since she taught first grade/kindergarten for over 30 years. She said it never fails, the sweet little first graders start the year with their perfect little "chicklet" teeth and by the end of the year they look like whacked out jack-o-lanterns. Guess she is the expert.
This really just isn't about big gaping holes in my precious baby's is about growing up. Which really makes me weepy. Seeing this little 6 year old turning into a big toothed grade schooler really reflects that my babies are growing up. This is my last little one who will lose those two front teeth and forever be propelled into prepubesent world of hormones and changes and eventual adulthood. This is just the beginning! I am not ready. I wanted her to keep those chicklets for a long time. Where did my little baby go?

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