Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spring Fun.....

Here is my spring! I am all about running after my beautiful children enjoying each of their fantastic activities and ending up with a house that looks like this... nice, huh?
Sidebar: Wish someone could help me figure out how to format pictures correctly!!
Anyway, some of you dear ones have been wondering what I have been up to and clearly, it is not cleaning my house. This is just a little glimpse of the kitchen. My son stood beside me while I loaded these and he suggested I take some pictures of the cleaner areas of the house so I would not be so ashamed. How authentic would that be??

This season is filled with mayhem. The good mayhem that you will look back upon fondly and wish you could recapture. Today is silly mayhem. Three kids, four sports, 3 scouts, campouts, tournaments, women's retreat, graduations, award assemblies, talent shows, field trips and a baptism. All these are beautiful, special, fun events of this once in a lifetime moment that we are sharing. But up close and personal it is kicking my tail.

What kind of mother subjects herself and her family to all this stuff? The kind of poorly balanced woman who doesn't want her kids to miss out on a thing? The kind of woman that cannot say No? The kind of woman that uses the refrigerator for not only a bulletin board but also a medicinal friend? Who is this woman and how did I become her?

I wish I could be quippy and cute and respond in some way introspective verbage that would reflect the depth of my character and the magnitude of my self-awareness but alas, I am not that cool.
All I know is this is a beautiful season in life. My path will only cross here once and if it means filth runs rampant and my hips are wider then I be it. I am about enjoying every minute of seeing these sweet treasures spread their wings and fly in any and every direction they want to try.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Took this picture in CA this past February. It has quickly taken on much more meaning for me these past weeks. The whole boat analogy takes me back to the bible story of Peter being invited to step out and walk on water. do you remember this one?
Cliff notes version: Peter and his peeps are hanging in a boat during a pretty nutty storm and then out on the water comes this image that freaks them all out. Turns out it is Jesus. He is peacefully stepping through the waves and crashing water and basically invites Peter to join him. Peter steps out confidently as He secures his gaze on the Lord but then after he moves out a bit he remembers the chaos he is walking on and suddenly loses sight of the one who is allowing this miracle to happen and he basically sinks into the water and freaks out.
My friend just gave me a book to read that is based on this story called, "You can't walk on water if you don't get out of the boat." Catchy title. Good read.(the 2 chapters I've pressed through) Promising truth about trusting God in all things. I guess I need extra doses of this reality since it seems my boat has been rocking in place for awhile now.
I didn't think much about this picture until I recently decided to resign my position as an assistant youth director at our church. It was then that i realized that I have been comfortable living in my ministry boat. i am familiar with the cadence and seasons of ministry. I kinda understand the developmental and emotional seasons of a high school student. I love and respect the opportunity to shepherd and nurture young women in their faith. I love watching the spirit of the living God transform and redeem the lives of these sweet spirits that God has privileged me to be near. It is fantastic fun to link arms with parents and support and encourage spiritual development together. It is a joy. Truly to see God bear fruit despite me is humbling and awe-inspiring.
The truth is, I think God wants me to yield this back to Him. I believe He is asking me to hand the reigns to others and back away. Do I want to leave? No, not really. Do I feel called to submit this area? Yes....I am stepping out of the boat.
I guess I am looking at this as a new life opportunity. Walking out in a new direction in faith. I strain to keep my gaze fixed on my Creator, The peaceful walking-on-water God of purpose, who has designed this season for a greater cause. I am reminded that when I look at the sailboat picture....that He is the wind. He drives the boat. He arranges the seas. He is the navigator, the rudder, the whole kitten caboodle. I must trust in HIM. So, I am stepping into the water....and I am already freaking!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ok....I survived. Thank you for any and all who said a word of prayer on my behalf. I did live through the ordeal. Honestly, it could have been worse. In fact, let's focus on the positives first.

1. The "lodge/barn" was heated.

2. They did have a bunch of mattresses (please use term loosely) to sleep on.

3. Refrigerators were available.

4. The other mothers were very kind.

5. The Quik Trip is just about 2 miles down the road. Perfect for sneaking a coffee at day break.

Not-so Positives:

1. The barn came with a sparrow flying through it and pooping and landing on our pillows. ick! I don't even have a bird phobia and this was grossing me out.

2. Mud everywhere. Wet wood for a fire...loads of fun digging for wet wood in mud!:)

3. No running water.

4. Hence, The outhouses.

This deserves its own paragraph. Please, please, please help me understand that after months/years of selling 10 gagillion boxes of over priced cookies that they can not afford to get flushing toilets anywhere on girl scout property. What sense does this make? These toilets are not fresh smelling Johnny on the Spots that are occasionally emptied. No, these look to have been built when the settlers moved to Kansas sometime at the turn of the century. They are horrid. May i please remind you that it was nearly 40 degrees outside, so the true swampy scent was not really even full bore! No, in fact it was actually very limited to only the minutes that the lid was actually opened. Which pushed all dainty little girls into screaming, crying freaks because the smell nearly knocked them off the pot. When little girls volunteer to pee in the woods we know we have a problem. It was nuts-o, i tell you.

At one point my daughter started crying, "Mom, I don't want to go to day camp. (In JUNE) I cannot go potty in here again!" I caught myself trying to talk her out of this ridiculous notion.

"You can do it, it's no big deal. Breath through your mouth."

Then it struck me, the wind might be blowing in the right direction after all. Perhaps my daughter will put a permanent end to camping altogether! This may have been exactly what we had been praying for. So maybe outhouses needs to be moved to the positives list!! Thank you, Lord!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Silent Word of Prayer.....please.

I am currently packing my car for a brownie overnight. Yes, I do want to smuggle a six pack and some cigs that I have not officially started smoking but believe tonight may be the night i begin. I need/covet and welcome all prayers regarding this evening's activities. I wish I could say I am excited about spending the night with the sugared up brownie girls but I honestly think an enema may be more fun. Please never tell my daughter I said that. It isn't about her. I know, get over it. 90% of this is about my attitude. This is why I am asking for prayers. I need a serious attitude adjustment. Stay tuned....i let you know how it goes in the morrow. Did i say it is 45 degrees here? yea! Happy Spring!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Happy Spring!!

I love spring. I have been anticipating its arrival for weeks. So, when my pear tree out back begin to morph from the sleeping skeleton of branches to life breathing buds of spring....i had to capture the moments. I have a fun camera and a secret passion for photography. I am completely unskilled but I love to capture moments with my camera.
Plus...I just found this photo swapping program on my zoom browser and thought I should try to put it altogether. This is my "Hello Spring Montage!" I pray you are enjoying the season as well!

Friday, April 11, 2008

I am sorry if it seems like I am whining a lot lately but I have to purge my spirit of the negative energy. Today the bitter root was planted by a random lady in swim class.

Yup. laugh all you want I was in swim aerobics this morning. It may sound lame-o but it is actually quite a good workout. I was happily treading my legs off in the deeper end of the pool with my friend and catching up on all sorts of good stuff when a "regular" attendee took it upon herself to scoot out of her shallow end and make her way to our deep end and scold us for talking too loud. She couldn't hear the instructions.

OK....background. Many of you may have not have the privilege of attending the geriatric swim aerobic class but it quite the favorite of folks over 60. It is a no impact class. (which is lovely on joints and sore bodies.) The instructor is a bubbly blonde woman with a fantastic British accent. She is very active and basically does the entire class roaming all around the deck of the pool. She is very obvious about what the next instruction is because she is doing it as she tells us. Remember we are in a pool area. Are the acoustics good in any pool??? NO! Does the sound travel poorly?? YES! Does she have a lame music system set up on the side with fun tunes playing also drowning out her words? OF COURSE!! So, why the talking voices of two women 15 feet away from this grumpy exerciser is bothersome is beyond me. UGH!

My friend, Jana, is the sweetest woman ever. She kindly took the words with wide eyes, lifted brows and an apologetic spirit. Me on the other hand....I wanted to take a couple of the noodles and begin flogging her. What is the deal? AHH! Are you kidding me? Is there a rule here about no talking during swim class? PLEASE!! We were not shouting....we were trying to stay in an unpopulated area. The pool is huge. Was this scolding necessary?

Maybe it was payback for nearly yanking my son's head off his shoulders this morning for not sharing the toothpaste with his sister. My reaction was probably much the same. Way too dramatic for a situation that could have been easily been overlooked.

I guess me and the pool lady need a minute to really consider the big issues in life, huh? Talking in the pool and not sharing toothpaste really need to be put in perspective. Maybe I will share toothpaste will the pool lady and we will all live happily ever after! venting is good.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Out of control

I feel like I am catching myself coming and going. Life is rolling at a clip these days that I can hardly stay on top of. It is embarrassing how out of control we have gotten.

Mike is out of town this week which makes everything that much more chaotic. Tonight Max has a track meet. Mitch is going with scouts to the Mayor's office. Bailey has soccer for an hour and then goes directly to softball. Me? Well, I am supposed to be leading my highschool girls lifegroup. Nice, huh? Talk about super booked. This is ridiculous!!

All I can say is thank you for rain! Since the 2+ inches have fallen, the track meet is cancelled. Both of Bailey's practices are not happening. (Well, they have an optional indoor practice for softball!!)

PS>>sidebar....who really has 6 yr. old girls practice two times a week for softball? I am beside myself over this nutty overachieving softball schedule. This is where my rant comes in....excuse me. This team organizer woman has even called for snacks to be brought to PRACTICES!! omgoodness. I am so sure! Are they going to go hypoglycemic or flip into some sort of coma? What is the point of a snack at 6pm on a Sunday night??? I have clearly connected in with a team of mothers of first born children. (Please do not be offended if you are one of these. It is possible to reform....just have a couple of extra kids. It works everytime!) They are all the over-interested, over-concerned and over-involved ones. Poor Bailey is a third born child. I have not even driven her to one of the practices yet. She has had to be taken by a friend. Why?

I can't fit it into our schedule!! I wonder if we will serve beer at the lifegroup tonight? :)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's!!

Today marks the 19th anniversary of my blessed wedding day to this handsome fella!! Can you believe it? 19 years of wedded bliss?
We have come a long way, baby!
19 years ago we were just kids graduating from college and starting our life as a married couple. If I had a scanner I would put in one of those pictures from days gone by.....when my bangs were tall and my waist was small and my butt didn't drag on the floor and my eyes didn't wrinkle and my chin didn't wobble and my chest was in it's proper place. (If I put this to music it could be a children's ditty!) Anyhow...that was then and this is now. We are maturing and growing and loving being parents to three sweet children. Life has brought its ups and downs but there is no one I would rather spend my life with then this sweet man after God's own heart. My life is blessed because of you, my April fool!