Sidebar: Wish someone could help me figure out how to format pictures correctly!!
Anyway, some of you dear ones have been wondering what I have been up to and clearly, it is not cleaning my house. This is just a little glimpse of the kitchen. My son stood beside me while I loaded these and he suggested I take some pictures of the cleaner areas of the house so I would not be so ashamed. How authentic would that be??
This season is filled with mayhem. The good mayhem that you will look back upon fondly and wish you could recapture. Today is silly mayhem. Three kids, four sports, 3 scouts, campouts, tournaments, women's retreat, graduations, award assemblies, talent shows, field trips and a baptism. All these are beautiful, special, fun events of this once in a lifetime moment that we are sharing. But up close and personal it is kicking my tail.
What kind of mother subjects herself and her family to all this stuff? The kind of poorly balanced woman who doesn't want her kids to miss out on a thing? The kind of woman that cannot say No? The kind of woman that uses the refrigerator for not only a bulletin board but also a medicinal friend? Who is this woman and how did I become her?
I wish I could be quippy and cute and respond in some way introspective verbage that would reflect the depth of my character and the magnitude of my self-awareness but alas, I am not that cool.
All I know is this is a beautiful season in life. My path will only cross here once and if it means filth runs rampant and my hips are wider then I be it. I am about enjoying every minute of seeing these sweet treasures spread their wings and fly in any and every direction they want to try.
I have a kitchen counter that looks just like that right now. You should see my laundry mountain. No wonder I can never find my keys or my four year old. You are obviously an amazing mother. I just keep telling myself one day they will be gone and my house will be clean again. And I'll probably miss the clutter and the crumbs on the floor, because it meant we had kids living here. There are a lot of houses out there like yours. I stand firmly with you Sister! fridge is not the only one in America that is so buried that you don't know what color it is. ;)
If I had each of my kids as involved in extra curriculars as you do, I would never see my husband! :) You are obviously the good mom...the one that my daughter visits and then comes home and says..."Mom, Why can't I have a mom like Kara's mom? She is fun and never yells at us." To which I yelled..."Shut up...I don't get a kid like Kara so you don't get Kara's mom."
Great parenting, eh?
Keep on keepin' on. I am off to a 6th grade choir concert tonight...pray for me.
...and friends demanding you have lunch with them while they are in town. :) sorry i'm adding to your mayhem! and i AM so ashamed that i couldn't post pictures of my house on the internet, by the way.
I can't fathom...I guess that's why they start little and take a few years to start sports, huh? :)
As for the pictures: I upload everything on the left, deleted the extra spaces it adds to the post (why does it do that?!?!?) and go back and forth after posting it a few times to edit it to make it look right. That's my Type A "has to look just so" personality. Play around with it long enough and you'll figure it out. Oh, and the "preview" is never what it looks like on your blog. But it doesn't bother the rest of us, so if it's not worth your time (ahem...I just READ about your time!) then don't bother.
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