Cliff notes version: Peter and his peeps are hanging in a boat during a pretty nutty storm and then out on the water comes this image that freaks them all out. Turns out it is Jesus. He is peacefully stepping through the waves and crashing water and basically invites Peter to join him. Peter steps out confidently as He secures his gaze on the Lord but then after he moves out a bit he remembers the chaos he is walking on and suddenly loses sight of the one who is allowing this miracle to happen and he basically sinks into the water and freaks out.
My friend just gave me a book to read that is based on this story called, "You can't walk on water if you don't get out of the boat." Catchy title. Good read.(the 2 chapters I've pressed through) Promising truth about trusting God in all things. I guess I need extra doses of this reality since it seems my boat has been rocking in place for awhile now.
I didn't think much about this picture until I recently decided to resign my position as an assistant youth director at our church. It was then that i realized that I have been comfortable living in my ministry boat. i am familiar with the cadence and seasons of ministry. I kinda understand the developmental and emotional seasons of a high school student. I love and respect the opportunity to shepherd and nurture young women in their faith. I love watching the spirit of the living God transform and redeem the lives of these sweet spirits that God has privileged me to be near. It is fantastic fun to link arms with parents and support and encourage spiritual development together. It is a joy. Truly to see God bear fruit despite me is humbling and awe-inspiring.
The truth is, I think God wants me to yield this back to Him. I believe He is asking me to hand the reigns to others and back away. Do I want to leave? No, not really. Do I feel called to submit this area? Yes....I am stepping out of the boat.
I guess I am looking at this as a new life opportunity. Walking out in a new direction in faith. I strain to keep my gaze fixed on my Creator, The peaceful walking-on-water God of purpose, who has designed this season for a greater cause. I am reminded that when I look at the sailboat picture....that He is the wind. He drives the boat. He arranges the seas. He is the navigator, the rudder, the whole kitten caboodle. I must trust in HIM. So, I am stepping into the water....and I am already freaking!
Submission can really bite, eh?
I, too, have resigned (white-knuckled) from various ministries from time to is a loss. You are grieving a loss, but just have your own trio of peeps to nurture through the high-school years! :)
God Bless!
Becky, the maid.
Brenda, I feel you girl. My biggest struggle in my walk (aside from my occasional potty mouth) is my need to have complete control at all times. I love the verse in Phillipians - Trust in the Lord . . . - because I have to constantly remind myself that it is His will, not mine. I am always in the boat going "Are you sure God?? Really?? Okay now?? No wait, now?? I feel a little sick, do you have any dramamine?? Some floaties? Can you come a little closer and hold my hand??" I am sure He is rolling his eyes the whole time.
Can I just tell you how much I wish you lived here?? Or I lived there? Even though I have been afraid of Kansas since the first time I saw the Wizard of Oz. We need to hang out!
Dear Brenda,
I am sending a search party for you. A Kansas Posse. I don't know if you went to see the wizard or what. Are you okay? I need to hear from you. Post something new for lil ol me (oh and April and Katie) so that we know that you are okay.
Becky, the maid
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