Thursday, April 10, 2008

Out of control

I feel like I am catching myself coming and going. Life is rolling at a clip these days that I can hardly stay on top of. It is embarrassing how out of control we have gotten.

Mike is out of town this week which makes everything that much more chaotic. Tonight Max has a track meet. Mitch is going with scouts to the Mayor's office. Bailey has soccer for an hour and then goes directly to softball. Me? Well, I am supposed to be leading my highschool girls lifegroup. Nice, huh? Talk about super booked. This is ridiculous!!

All I can say is thank you for rain! Since the 2+ inches have fallen, the track meet is cancelled. Both of Bailey's practices are not happening. (Well, they have an optional indoor practice for softball!!)

PS>>sidebar....who really has 6 yr. old girls practice two times a week for softball? I am beside myself over this nutty overachieving softball schedule. This is where my rant comes in....excuse me. This team organizer woman has even called for snacks to be brought to PRACTICES!! omgoodness. I am so sure! Are they going to go hypoglycemic or flip into some sort of coma? What is the point of a snack at 6pm on a Sunday night??? I have clearly connected in with a team of mothers of first born children. (Please do not be offended if you are one of these. It is possible to reform....just have a couple of extra kids. It works everytime!) They are all the over-interested, over-concerned and over-involved ones. Poor Bailey is a third born child. I have not even driven her to one of the practices yet. She has had to be taken by a friend. Why?

I can't fit it into our schedule!! I wonder if we will serve beer at the lifegroup tonight? :)


"Intentionally Katie" said...

Thanks for that dose of reality. I think life with toddlers is hectic, but they don't have practices, games and homework yet! I think I'll introduce them to video games early...make sure they're not the athletic, team-oriented types. That will work out SO well for me!! I'm a genius...

April said...

Oh Brenda, I am right there with you Babe! Baseball with my boys is kicking my booty right now. And then tonight I almost had a chick fight with one of the snooty toot moms who made a nasty comment about my son being five minutes late to the pregame warm up! So he got there 55 minutes before game time instead of an hour. Yeah, like I am sure the team will lose because he missed five minutes of bend over and touch your toes. I felt like I was in high school again. It was everything I could do not to say "Well at least my kid was blessed with good looks. Yours is ugly and mean."

Hope you got your beer Girl! :)

Your Blogging BFF Even Though We've Never Met and Thanks Katie for Introducing Us,

Julie said...


okay, i dont have kids.
but i think "busyness" is universally understood, and in that aspect, i can relate.

i think, as far as motherhood goes, you're a ballar. (is that how you spell it? i dont even know, nor do i ever use that term.)

basically, you rule. because you're supermom, and incredibly real and childlike at the same time. so many people lose/dont attain all of those! props, girl.

