Friday, April 18, 2008

Silent Word of Prayer.....please.

I am currently packing my car for a brownie overnight. Yes, I do want to smuggle a six pack and some cigs that I have not officially started smoking but believe tonight may be the night i begin. I need/covet and welcome all prayers regarding this evening's activities. I wish I could say I am excited about spending the night with the sugared up brownie girls but I honestly think an enema may be more fun. Please never tell my daughter I said that. It isn't about her. I know, get over it. 90% of this is about my attitude. This is why I am asking for prayers. I need a serious attitude adjustment. Stay tuned....i let you know how it goes in the morrow. Did i say it is 45 degrees here? yea! Happy Spring!!


April said...

Once again Brenda, same life! My most recent post was about my son's fourth grade field trip up north. Tylenol girl. Lots of Tylenol. :)

I got kicked out of Brownies because I refused to wear the uniform (brown and mustard yellow were not flattering colors on me - and still aren't ). Also, I had no interest in earning pins because they weren't sparkly and pink. And when the troop leader asked me why I wanted to be a brownie I told her I misunderstood the concept. I thought we were going to be making brownies. And plus I wanted to hang out with my friends. Duh? Yeah, she totally called my mom.

Hope you guys had fun!!

The Maid said...

Hello Brenda!

Hope you made it safely back into the real world. That "brownieland" experience is never quite what it is cracked up to be.

I was a brownie and a fellow brownie troop member gave me nightmares and scarred me for life because she put a pincher bug in her moms shirt and then told us the next week that her mom found half of it in one cup and the other half in the other.

Um, nope...there is no badge for that.

And ditto, April...the knee high socks were just not my most flattering statement. Hello? Elastic marks on my already fat legs?

Happy homecoming!
Becky the Maid