Wednesday, April 8, 2009

New Season of Life....

It has been many weeks since I entered the presence of this space. I am not certain what has kept me from it, and honestly it doesn't matter. Today I reenter. I changed my picture to the lovely angel with folded hands. This represents my season of life today. A season of deep dependence and prayer.
I am approximately a week and a half from seeing clients. That is me, being a therapist. Uh, huh. I know what the world is thinking. How in the hades does this work exactly? Random girl gets 9 months of training and then they throw her in a room and expect her to be helpful. I am thinking the same thing. Hence, the praying angel.
I am petitioning the Lord to ready my spirit. To provide in ways that I would not know or understand. I get that this whole learning curve has to happen in the actual environment of the therapy room AND it seems pretty premature. I could use months more training and experience with modalities and theories. I know that being with people in pain and crisis is a lot more then brain information. It is going to require a lot of heart as well. Again, the angel.
My two best friends Fear and Anxiety would like to have their way with me and cause me a tremendous amount of wasted energy focusing on all the "what if's". I am deciding today that instead of letting those dear pals rule my life I am going with the angel. I am going to submit. I am going to trust. I am going to move in faith and believe that truly God has designed this season for me and all He wants from me is to trust Him.

1 comment:

"Intentionally Katie" said...

WELCOME BACK girlfriend!!! And let me tell you, after years of "untrained" counsel from you, I can personally testify to the fact that you will be AMAZING. I can just see you in a chair with your notepad and glasses at the tip of your nose.

You are going to be a rock star therapist. Can't wait for you to believe it, too!