Friday, April 11, 2008

I am sorry if it seems like I am whining a lot lately but I have to purge my spirit of the negative energy. Today the bitter root was planted by a random lady in swim class.

Yup. laugh all you want I was in swim aerobics this morning. It may sound lame-o but it is actually quite a good workout. I was happily treading my legs off in the deeper end of the pool with my friend and catching up on all sorts of good stuff when a "regular" attendee took it upon herself to scoot out of her shallow end and make her way to our deep end and scold us for talking too loud. She couldn't hear the instructions.

OK....background. Many of you may have not have the privilege of attending the geriatric swim aerobic class but it quite the favorite of folks over 60. It is a no impact class. (which is lovely on joints and sore bodies.) The instructor is a bubbly blonde woman with a fantastic British accent. She is very active and basically does the entire class roaming all around the deck of the pool. She is very obvious about what the next instruction is because she is doing it as she tells us. Remember we are in a pool area. Are the acoustics good in any pool??? NO! Does the sound travel poorly?? YES! Does she have a lame music system set up on the side with fun tunes playing also drowning out her words? OF COURSE!! So, why the talking voices of two women 15 feet away from this grumpy exerciser is bothersome is beyond me. UGH!

My friend, Jana, is the sweetest woman ever. She kindly took the words with wide eyes, lifted brows and an apologetic spirit. Me on the other hand....I wanted to take a couple of the noodles and begin flogging her. What is the deal? AHH! Are you kidding me? Is there a rule here about no talking during swim class? PLEASE!! We were not shouting....we were trying to stay in an unpopulated area. The pool is huge. Was this scolding necessary?

Maybe it was payback for nearly yanking my son's head off his shoulders this morning for not sharing the toothpaste with his sister. My reaction was probably much the same. Way too dramatic for a situation that could have been easily been overlooked.

I guess me and the pool lady need a minute to really consider the big issues in life, huh? Talking in the pool and not sharing toothpaste really need to be put in perspective. Maybe I will share toothpaste will the pool lady and we will all live happily ever after! venting is good.


April said...

Brenda you made me laugh! I swear we are separated at birth!

I have had zero patience lately and probably would have assaulted the old lady with a noodle. And yesterday I took away my son's iPod after he drank all the chocolate milk just because his sister wanted some.

And then my husband, the dear, sweet, understanding and supportive man that he is, says "What's up Babe? Isn't a little early in the month for PMS?" Oh I was so tempted to spit in his dinner.

OMG did I seriously just admit that out loud? I beg you not to ever tell anyone I said that! :)

Hang in there Girl!

PS - Love the new picture!

"Intentionally Katie" said...

Oh man, I can't stop laughing. You crack me up! I have to say that I'm SO glad you and April are reading each other's blogs!!! You'd love her. If you ever come visit me, we'll all go to lunch.

(still chuckling about sharing toothpaste with the pool lady...thanks for the laugh!)

The Maid said...

I am afraid I may never leave the house again. Between your scarey pool lady and April's treehugging war protester at the gas station...first of all PUBLIC pools? No siree...(by the way...that is why I could never do water aerobics...not because I am shaped like a weeble wobble, (I'm dating myself here) but because I am afraid of being scolded in swimwear.

I am not an overreacter at all...I exude patience, a quiet gentle spirit, and speaking the truth in all times. (I am so going to hell for that lie!)

Loved your story! Keep it up!
Becky, the Maid.