Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Voting and Happy Halloween!!

Today I made my second trip to the voting center to cast my early ballot. This time I actually got through the front door. Last stop had me rolling down my window in the parking lot and asking a gentleman about the line and he suggested I return later, giant wait.

So, I complied. I follow directions.

At least I thought I did, until I went to a different voting location. This time I followed the obvious yellow dots on the floor through the first room of chaos and upon exiting I got called out by an old friend. Now, the old friend happens to be the brother of my old boyfriend. Our families intersected for a season of life and it was like old times running into him in line. Which is why I jumped in front of him and begin talking nonstop. To catch up AND because I believed the line I was in merged with his. I did this without the slightest cause to question my decision. I chatted enjoying this election process more then any other of my recent past. We got a lot of good information shared in our 7 minutes in line together before I had to move through the various stations independent of him.

Now interestingly, I did begin to wonder why the two friends I entered the voting center with were no where to be seen. I did think it odd that my merge had moved me quickly through the process and my other cohorts were completely absent from my sight.

So, I pressed on happily casting my votes and thinking to myself what a pleasant experience this has been. Ending my session with ease, I took a seat by the front door and waited for my ride.

Well, while soaking in the sights from the front door vantage point I begin to see a trend of a line that appeared out of nowhere and headed into the direction that my room emptied out of right about the location of the merge. I couldn't figure where that line came from. So I asked the sweet volunteer sticker lady about this complexity.
"Where exactly does that line come from? Is there another entrance?" I inquired.

"No, that is the line that you take and swing through and come back up after exiting the first room!" She snidely huffed.

"Oh.." big pause....silence. I just realized the gravity of my merge. Yeah, I cut about 23 people in line including the guy friend from days gone by, without even knowing it. I sincerely believed that this was a merge situation. I did not see the yellow dots directing me through the mini maze. (which honestly was mini or I am sure a revolt would've broken out by the people standing in line!)
Yup, I got to basically smile, wave and bid the entire line I cut farewell as they exited the polls and I sat and waited for my ride who diligently stood in line instead of cutting to cast her vote!!
So, my not be the WITCH I was on Wednesday, take your turn to vote. (I had to figure out how to include something about a witch on this special holiday post!!)
PS. I did immediately call information to get the friend's phone number to apologize for the cutting business but both of the numbers listed were not in service! So, now I have to live with myself and the reality that he may go on believing I am nothing but a good for nothing line jumper! So much for following directions.

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